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[x]THE Servant
[x]THE Prayer Journal
[x]TALK To Her
[x]Escapes, credits, the past
I pray for... Sunday, May 11, 2008
3:11 AM

I pray for a guy:
I got these from Ate Jazzy's blog. This is exactly my prayer too. :)

2:31 AM

Lift up Holy hands.

Just got back from our youth camp. It was the best experience that I've ever encountered. God really is good. For 5 days in the Lord's Prayer Mountain, I've experienced something that I've never experienced starting the day I became one with Christ.

It was during the last night. I knew I just had to have this real encounter with God, and I knew I just had to have it. As what the theme says, 'Real encounter, Real challenge, Real change.'

I was encouraged with what the pastor told us. He said that: "Ask from God what you've never experienced from Him before." So, I was challenged.

It was during the praise & worship. I was praying that...

"Lord, I've already experienced kneeling before you, crying out before you, I've been slain in your presence already, I've jumped in your presence, I've laughed in the spirit already, I've spoken in tongues, so now God... I want to experience something, really really DIFFERENT."

It was just then realizing God's message and applying it in my worship. His message to me was simply just: "Listen, and be still." So, I was just listening. Then when I was worshipping Him, I felt something different.

My left hand was moving by itself, and it was like--dancing. I was not moving it. And I knew, I knew it was the Holy Spirit. It was the Spirit itself. Then, after sometime, my right hand started to move. And then, I felt the presence of God falling and pouring down on my head. I felt a great electricity in my body as it started heating up. I felt a very heavy weight pushing my hand. It was as if it was making it move.

And then, I was speaking in tongues already, and I was crying out to God while praying. It was as if I could sense His smile. And then that was when I realized that I've experienced something that I've never experienced in my whole Christian life before-- dancing in the Spirit.

I was really overwhelmed in His presence, I was really really overjoyed. The pastors even called it 'tranced in the Spirit' I was so happy. God really made me experience something that I've never experienced before. God made me experience.

I had a real encounter with Him. I had a real challenge with Him. And now, I'm praying for a real change in my life and in my walk with Him. In fact, I am going to give up teentalking. Which had become a stronghold in my life. I am going to give up writing stories in forums.

I am going to do this for my Master.

AMEN to Him.

Saturday, May 3, 2008
5:55 AM

watch this video. i was blessed while watching it.
God bless!

5:32 AM

I'm not really excited for the upcoming youth camp..
but i am excited. excited for the things that He will do there.
I am excited for His moving in our midst and I know.

This will be another life-changing, life-transforming experience.

use me Lord as i sing...

Renewing me? Sunday, April 27, 2008
12:35 AM

He is renewing me right now. I know He is. I can feel so distant from Him. He is starting to do me over again. He is starting to work in me again. Not in the same way He had worked in me before, because I believe--God works in exciting ways.

Sometimes, we may not understand them. Sometimes, we even complain a lot! And not only sometimes, if we only check ourselves and if we'll only be honest with our feelings, we can see that ALL the TIME we are complaining. But did He ever complained? Did He? Did He??? He never. HE NEVER EVER EVER EVER complained. Even a bit. What did He say about our ways when He was at the Cross? He even told His Father that... "Lord, forgive them. For they know not what they do!"

He even had pity on us. No, not pity rather, He was still full of mercy. He still loved those who hurt Him. Well, He never really hates us, he hates what we are doing. God hates SIN. And Sin, lives in us. But we can avoid it, right? We've been sealed with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit had already been deposited in our lives the moment we received Jesus. And to add to that that He is the author of salvation!

Right now, me and God are not that alright. I feel so far from Him. I need to admit, for to services--I wasn't even to listen to God's word. I mean, I was there, but we were talking. And that's why it's like this. But, praise God! Though I was disobedient, He's still there...

I could still feel the warmth of His embrace.

"Draw me close to You..."

God, I feel distant from You Tuesday, April 22, 2008
5:10 AM

I just wanna scream it all out.
I feel so far from You.
I'm so sorry.

"How many times, have I broken Your heart?
But still You forgive, if only I ask.
And how many times, have You heard me pray?
Draw near to me."
-All for Love, Hillsong.

"Even when I fail You...
I know You love me..."
-At the Cross, Hillsong.

It hurts to completely ignore the time you need to spend with Him--just because you were busy with your cellphone. I don't know what's wrong with me right now. I'm still asking for His revelation. I'm waiting still.

"Break my heart for what breaks Yours.."
-Hosanna, Hillsong.

I know, I've been through a lot lately. I gave up everything to Him. My friends eventually turned their backs on me. Everything was unfair. Everything was falling apart. My world started to turn upside down. It seemed that I had no hope.

But out of nowhere, a Voice called out to me. "My child, I am still here." Tears fell from my eyes when I heard that. I couldn't help but embrace His love. I couldn't help but cry harder and harder.

Despite everything, He was still there--He will always be there. My world fell apart, but He was still there. He still cared--He will always care.

But I still chose to ignore Him. I chose to not to communicate with Him. I chose to follow my own selfish will. But in the end... I was still caught in His arms. He still caught me in His arms..

with the same words. "My child, I'm still here..."

I found myself Tuesday, April 15, 2008
4:38 AM

I found myself.

been through a lot. but now, i'm back to my old self. (: God is so good. Now, I can feel His love in me... Thanks God. (: I'm starting a new line. "TRUE LOVE WAITS" haha. New life quote. ;) Just came home from my drums lessons, and yiea... I'm starting to get it. (: Lord, I really thank You for this privilege. (:

my desire to play the drums is for You God. I want to be used by You in this one. Not just in praiseleading. (: I know You gave me this desire, and now, I'll be giving it back to You. (: Go,go,go Lord!